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3394 Brown Island Rd S
Salem, OR, 97302
United States


what is CSA


What is a CSA and why should I participate?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It's a model that first began in Japan in the 1960s and was later adopted by farms all over the world. Farmers on the U.S. east coast began using the CSA model in the 1980s. There is much debate about the definition of a CSA and each farm has their own unique style of executing the model. But at its core, a CSA is about farmers and eaters entering into a relationship over food in a manner than benefits both the farmer and the community of eaters. 

As farmers, we not only have the opportunity to feed your family and build new relationships, we are also able to inform you about our agricultural practices, processes, and products. We also benefit from financial support early in the season to help get our crops growing.

As eaters, you get access to fresh, local, and nutritious produce that is picked at its peak flavor with a carefully selected diversity. You will find that freshly picked, seasonal produce is full of flavor and that a greater array of vegetables and varieties adds health benefits to your diet and can make for more adventures in the kitchen. Farm events, work parties, and our CSA newsletter (with produce lists, farm news, produce info, and recipes) provide opportunities to connect with your local food system and learn about new ways to enjoy fruits and vegetables.

The mechanics of the CSA are simple - you as the member pay all or part of the cost of the season before it starts, then beginning in June, we deliver a weekly box of produce to various pick-up sites (or you pick up at the farm). The rest is in the details - see our CSA page for information on prices, schedules, pick-up sites, etc.